Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC)
Jungian Psychoanalyst
Music-Centred Psychotherapist
Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)


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Self-Study Courses (Available Online):
WHEN PSYCHE SINGS: Jungian Music Psychotherapy
Verbal Counselling and Psychotherapy Techniques
(for Expressive Arts Therapists)
(Online Self Study version)
Click Here for more Info
This experiential online course will introduce participants to the most essential counselling and psychotherapy techniques and approaches including:
How to say what you really mean and hear what was really said
Exploring the verbal dynamics of transference
Projective identification
Working verbally with resistance
Deep listening for somatic meaning
Blending theoretical frameworks with expressive processes
Honing clinical judgement
Using words to build rapport
Engaging with personal mythology
Ethical issues around clinical note taking
The Art of Improvisation for Musicians and Therapists:
(Online Self Study version available now)
This experiential online course will expand the improvisational skills, knowledge and expertise of participants within a therapeutic or musical context. After a brief overview of the history and theoretical foundations of improvisation within international therapeutic contexts participants will be led through a vast array of diverse methods for improvisation ranging from jazz and classical techniques to rock, folk, blues and world music approaches.
We will explore:
•how to successfully run improvisation groups,
•how to use improvisation as a non-verbal language
•how to adapt various instruments for immediate mastery
•how to use music theory on the fly.
Music Therapy for Chronic Pain Management:
(Online Self Study version available now)
In this experiential online presentation Joel will introduce some of the most effective music therapy interventions for the management of chronic pain and will show how they can be applied by individuals, therapists and health practitioners. Through the application of multiple learning styles including lecture presentation format, aural and visual case study material and discussion students will be shown effective music therapy interventions, recent research and practical application.
Topics will include:
-working with adjustment to injury
-resolving somatic conflict through musical improvisation
-reducing pain through activating sensory pathways
-musical mindfulness exercises for stress management
-understanding how pain works neurologically
-the relationship between musical perception and the hyper sensitization of the spinal cord
-the role of neurotransmitters in the pain cycle
-current and new approaches to managing pain
-how to collaborate with other health professionals
-translating pain management into musical processes
-how to work with images and imagination to reduce pain
-the relationship between pain and trauma
Archetypal Music Psychotherapy (AMP):
A Depth Approach to the Creative Expressive Arts
Online Course (4 hour pre-recorded course available now)
Joel is the founding international workshop facilitator of
Archetypal Music Psychotherapy (AMP). These workshops have taken place across the continent from New York to California, across Canada and in parts of South America including Brazil. They illustrate a new psychodynamic method of music therapy where sound-based processes are used to access untapped creative potential toward specific personal therapeutic aims and goals.
Click here to read an article on this AMP method
This course is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) in the United States for 6 CMTEs-Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. Credits awarded by CBMT are accepted by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). CBMT Approved Provider #P-106, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria. For Canadian MTAs this course results in 5 CEC credits through the CAMT.
For more info or to purchase this course click here
This experiential online course introduces students to a new international depth-based method of music therapy called, Archetypal Music Psychotherapy. This course focuses on self-exploration and developing personal insight through creative expressive processes. After a brief overview of the history and theoretical foundations that have led to this method participants will be led through a depth approach to working with music and sound in regard to improvisation, composition, performance and active listening. Through the application of multiple learning styles including lecture presentation format, aural and visual case study material, discussion, evidence-based research and Jungian-oriented experientials we explore implications for self-care, mindfulness-based musical practices and working across cultures.
Music Therapy in Special Education
(For Parents, Professionals and Educators)
Online Pre-recorded Course Available Now
In this experiential online presentation Joel will introduce some of the most effective music therapy interventions used within a special needs context and show how they can be applied by parents, professionals and educators. Through the application of multiple learning styles including lecture presentation format, aural and visual case study material and discussion.
Students will be shown effective music therapy interventions, recent research and their practical application within a special education setting including how to work effectively with learning and communication disabilities, emotional and behavioural disorders and physical or developmental disabilities.This workshop addresses a wide spectrum of theories and models of music therapy for this client population and offers step-by-step goals and objectives relating to various cognitive, motor, affective, developmental and social domains. Join us to learn new interventions that actually work within clinical and educational settings and learn how to build effective interventions that are tailor made for your own personal setting.
(From recent workshop participants)
"It was a practical easy way to bring complex emotions thoughts and feelings into tanglible experiences that I could then uncover discover unleash heal awaken and cultivate...helped set me free!"
"I valued the way it helped focus my gaze on my inner landscape, by integrating mind, body, spirit...seemed effortless...helped me tap into some long awaited answers."
"It was a safe and sacred environment and the facilitation was welcoming, nurturing and creative."
"I've never been a musician or an artist but I realized in this workshop that actually, I am!"
"It was a new way for me to access a deep part of myself and become liberated from a stuck place...really opened me up! I can breathe better."
"I was skeptical at first, but once I settled in I was totally surprised at the spontaneous realizations that arose from my own inner characters...and I've never been an artist or a musician...there's some magic here!"
"Such a supportive atmosphere...this workshop gave me another important reminder that I am creative."
"Brought new understanding of a recurring dream theme that has been clamoring for my attention."
"I really enjoyed the creative and encouraging environment, it was fun way to peer deep within and see all the creativity in there...not enough of this in our world today"
To reference this material, feel free to use the following citation:
Kroeker, Joel. (2019) Jungian Music Psychotherapy: When Psyche Sings. Routledge, UK.