Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC)
Jungian Psychoanalyst
Music-Centred Psychotherapist
Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)

"Toward a model of Archetypal Music Psychotherapy." Presented at Cornell University's, "On the Edge: Psyche in Ethics, The Arts and Nature" a conference of research in Jung and Analytical Psychology, held jointly by The Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies and
the International Association for Jungian Studies, at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York), August 12, 2010.
"Music Therapy in a Micro-Cultural Context." Presented at the CAMT conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 13, 2010.
"Improvising Beyond Genre: Music Therapy in a Micro-Cultural Context." Presented at the University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, Dec. 3, 2009.
"Toward an interdisciplinary model for Jungian Archetypal Music Psychotherapy." Presented at the 2nd Annual WLUGSA Interdisciplinary Speaker Series, "Learning Today for a Better World Tomorrow," at Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, April 1, 2010.
"Moments of Being: Exploring the Evidence-Based Practice of Music Therapy for Schizophrenia and Like Illnesses." Presented at the MTAO conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, November 7, 2009.
"The ambiguous promotional presence of the Canadian Singer/Songwriter." Presented at the University of British Columbia's Crossways of Music Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2000.
"Targeting Utterances through the Liminal Mist: How the Canadian Singer/Songwriter Uses Words, Music and Image to Negotiate Genre, National Identity and Aesthetic." Presented as a lecture/performance at the University of Alberta's "Continuities and Innovations, Popular Print Cultures conference", Edmonton, Alberta, August 2008.
"A Jungian Approach to the Creative Expressive Arts," Presented at the Music Therapy Association of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 23, 2010.
"How the Canadian Singer/Songwriter Uses Words, Music and Image to Negotiate Genre, National Identity and Aesthetic." Presented as a lecture/performance at the Association of Canadian Studies annual conference in Quebec City, Quebec, 2008.
"Musical Perception and Culture." Presented at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Speaker Series "Global Issues, Local Contexts," Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, February 10, 2009.
Kroeker, Joel. (2017). Sounds from Within: Toward a Jungian Approach to working analytically with musical symbols. CG Jung Institute Zürich. Küsnacht, Switzerland.
Kroeker, Joel. (2014). Jungian Music Therapy: A Method for Exploring the Psyche through Musical Symbols. Canadian Journal for Music Therapy. 40th Anniversary edition. Volume 20(2), 2014.
Kroeker, Joel. (2013). Archetypal Music Psychotherapy: Bridging the Gap between Counselling and the Creative Expressive Arts. In Insights into Clinical Counselling. December 2013. British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.
Ahonen H. , Deek P. & Kroeker J.(2012). Low Frequency Sound Treatment Promoting Physical and Emotional Relaxation Qualitative Study. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Vol 17(1) 45-58
Kroeker, Joel. (2014). Goodbye Jane. In Creative Explorations and Resources for Music
Therapists. Edited by Colin A. Lee and Sara Pun. Barcelona Publishers: New Braunfels, Texas.
Kroeker, Joel. (2012). Music Therapy in the Land of Samba: Reflections on a Cross-Cultural
Workshop in Brazil. The Drumbeat, Summer 2012, Volume 13, No 3, ISSN 1492-3386.
Kroeker, Joel. (2013). Archetypal Music Psychotherapy: Bridging the Gap between Counselling
and the Creative Expressive Arts. In Insights into Clinical Counselling. December 2013. British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.
Ahonen, Heidi, Deek, Patricia and Kroeker, Joel. (2012). Low Frequency Sound Treatment
Promoting Physical and Emotional Relaxation – Qualitative Study. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Volume 17 Issue 1, p7.
Kroeker, Joel. (2013). "Music Therapy in Action (2nd Edition) - A Review." Canadian Journal of
Music Therapy. Volume 19 (1).
Kroeker, Joel. (2012). Canuck Bard. Canadian Folk Music: Musique Folklorique Canadienne.
Spring 2012, Vol. 46.1. ISSN 0829-5344.
Kroeker, Joel. (2010). Archetypal Music Psychotherapy: A Heuristic Case Study of
Individuation through Multi-Media Improvisation. Wilfrid Laurier University. (Published Thesis)
Kroeker, Joel. (2001). Targeting Utterances through the Liminal Mist: An Investigation into the
Cultural Practices and Worldview of the Western Canadian Singer/Songwriter, University of Alberta. (Published thesis)
IAAP (International Association of Analytical Psychology)
BCACC (British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors)
CGJIZ (CG Jung Institute Zurich Alumni
American Federation of Musicians Local 145
CAMT (Canadian Association of Music Therapists)
MTABC (Music Therapy Association of British Columbia)