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Carl Jung said that analysis is a "confrontation with the unconscious" that requires considerable courage. If you are prepared to undergo a descent into the depths of the psyche and encounter the images in the unconscious in an effort to become more conscious, then Jungian Analysis is a robust and appropriate alchemical vessel for this journey.


Jungian analysis is the psychotherapeutic process of restoring a healthy balance between unconscious and conscious parts of our total personality. It’s not about becoming perfect, but it is about our quest toward wholeness. Along the way, we meet unconscious aspects of the shadow, which we work to integrate through the process of pulling back projections and welcoming them back home into our greater personality. Eventually we meet the inner masculine and feminine aspects of soul, externally through life circumstances and internally through dreams and images. Together we can navigate this journey through witnessing as companions the hour by hour stirrings of the soul and we can honour and amplify what emerges through matching it with our own creativity through expressive processes such as active imagination, sandplay, artwork and music. The result can be increased consciousness, a more flexible attitude to suffering, creative insight, a deeper sense of meaning and a profoundly healthier and fulfilling life.


Is Jungian Analysis For You?

Any life circumstance that blocks one from their fullness and depth of meaning can be a good starting point for Jungian Analysis. However, there is no one particular form of therapy that works for everyone. Different people have different needs. If you're looking for short-term solution focused work, I'm happy to work with you as a clinical counsellor who is trained in those conventional psychotherapeutic methods. But the core of Jungian analysis is a deeper process that takes time to circumambulate the soul with a patient and watchful eye and heart. Together we will honour the stirrings of the psyche by paying close attention to your dreams and the images that arise in your life, both internal and external. We’ll observe patterns in your life that may have historical trajectories and we’ll work with the charged energy centres (ie. ‘complexes) that may have been unconsciously running your life behind the scenes. As Jung succinctly stated, “those who look outside dream, while those who look inside awaken.”


I am a Zurich-trained Jungian Analyst and I did my training at the CG Jung Institute Zürich in Switzerland.



Jungian analytic training involves a rigorous 5 - 7 year post-masters program at an accredited Jungian training institute. The institute where I’ve trained is the original CG Jung Institute Zurich, which is accredited by the Swiss Charta for Psychotherapy and is a member of the American Board for Accreditation of Psychoanalysis (ABAP) and the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP) New York, NY. Typical professional training is generally considered to be the foundation for the further training of becoming a Jungian analyst and many analysts in training, including myself, are already licensed practitioners of conventional psychotherapy. Training to become a Jungian analyst includes study, not only of the principles of depth psychology, but also of creative expressions of the unconscious such as dreams, art, mythology, literature and fairy tales, as well as related disciplines such as comparative religion and anthropology. In addition, training to become a Jungian analyst involves extensive clinical supervision and personal analysis for many years, which is intended to further prepare the analyst for their work by deepening their inner experience and self-knowledge.

Jungian Analysis

A designation of BC

Association of

Clinical Counsellors

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